Guitar Cleaning

Basically, if a guitar is dirty, it’s not going to play very well for too long. Even if you clean the strings or replace them regularly, the dirt from the guitar will still go onto your hands and then back onto the strings. Once I started to clean my guitars regularly I noticed that the strings lasted much longer and stayed in tune better.

If you don’t clean your guitar and you sweat on it a lot, you will notice that over time it will practically start to go rotten like mine did. Your sweat will begin to corrode the finish on all the metal parts. The screws, pickup pole pieces, bridge parts, neck bolt tops, neckplate, frets, switches etc etc will all start to discolour. Once I started to enjoy the feel and look of a beautifully clean guitar there was no looking back for me.

I regularly clean guitars as part of my full setup process, but you can have your guitar cleaned without any other work if you really want.


£25 to £45

I will need to see the guitar before I can quote accurately, but it will never be less than £25 or more than £45